Bernalillo High School Thespians Troupe #7545 presents: ALL IN THE TIMING Featuring six diverse but equally hysterical one-act comedies, David Ives All in the Timing is a witty, romantic, absurd, and existentially-minded evening of theatre. There will be 4 performances open to the public and tickets can be purchased at #THEDISTRICT #BPS4kids #community #thespians #spartanempire
almost 2 years ago, Bernalillo Public Schools
Congratulations to Rubi Beltran-Ruiz for placing 1st at the Bernalillo Public Schools Spanish Spelling Bee. Rubi is a third grade student in Mr. Cervantes' class at Bernalillo Elementary.
almost 2 years ago, Bernalillo Public Schools
THE DISTRICT of Bernalillo Public Schools celebrated National School Breakfast Week with a visit from Eddie Longoria, Director of Special Nutrition Programs at the USDA. Mr. Longoria, along with the NM PED Student Success and Wellness staff visited classrooms at Bernalillo Elementary School. Superintendent Montano and Mr. Longoria handed out healthy breakfasts and joined students in a morning workout. Thank you to Mr. Longoria for visiting our district and witnessing firsthand the great things happening in THE DISTRICT. Thank you to the BPS Student Nutrition Team and BES cafeteria staff for always offering great meals to our students. Thank you to the BES staff who decorated the school for this important visit. Your team represented THE DISTRICT well, and Thank you to the Town of Bernalillo and Mayor Torres for the Official Proclamation where the week of March 6-10, 2023 will be National School Breakfast Week. This proclamation encourages all residents to become aware of the benefits of the National School Breakfast Program and support good nutrition habits for their children, in hope of achieving a more healthful citizenry for today and the future. #THEDISTRICT #BPS4kids #community #healthymeals #wellness #NationalSchoolBreakfastWeek
almost 2 years ago, Bernalillo Public Schools
BES Staff
Morning workout
THE DISTRICT of Bernalillo Public Schools celebrated National School Breakfast Week with a visit from Eddie Longoria, Director of Special Nutrition Programs at the USDA. Mr. Longoria, along with the NM PED Student Success and Wellness staff visited classrooms at Bernalillo Elementary School. Superintendent Montano and Mr. Longoria handed out healthy breakfasts and joined students in a morning workout. Thank you to Mr. Longoria for visiting our district and witnessing first hand the great things happening in THE DISTRICT. Thank you to the BPS Student Nutrition Team and BES cafeteria staff for always offering great meals to our students. Thank you to the BES staff who decorated the school for this important visit. Your team represented THE DISTRICT well, and Thank you to the Town of Bernalillo and Mayor Torres for the Official Proclamation that the week of March 6-10, 2023 will be National School Breakfast Week. This proclamation encourages all residents to become aware of the benefits of the National School Breakfast Program and support good nutrition habits for their children, in hope of achieving a more healthful citizenry for today and the future. #THEDISTRICT #BPS4kids #community #healthymeals #wellness
almost 2 years ago, Bernalillo Public Schools
Dig into  School Breakfast
BES Team
THE DISTRICT of Bernalillo Public Schools is accepting bids for the renovation and repair of teacher housing at Cochiti Schools.
almost 2 years ago, Bernalillo Public Schools
Sheila Fischer Memorial Scholarship ​$1000 Scholarship Deadline April 14, 2023 Scholarship winner will be announced April 21, 2023. Sheila Fischer Memorial Scholarship -
almost 2 years ago, Bernalillo Public Schools
Sheila Fischer Memorial Scholarship
Ludi's 3D Prints Scholarship ​$1000 Scholarship Deadline April 14, 2023 Scholarship winner will be announced April 21, 2023. Ludi's 3D Prints Application -
almost 2 years ago, Bernalillo Public Schools
Ludi's 3D Prints Scholarship
THE DISTRICT of Bernalillo Public Schools is proud to recognize Lorilei Chavez! She is a Social Studies teacher at Santo Domingo (KEWA) school. Her presentation on Indigenous Education within BPS is transforming how our students engage! @sxswedu #THEDISTRICT #RepresentationMatters #INDIGENOUS #equity #community #BPS4Kids #sxsw2023
almost 2 years ago, Bernalillo Public Schools
SXSW 2023
Lori at SXSW2023
Great things happening at BHS! #THEDISTRICT #community #SpartanEmpire #BPS4kids
almost 2 years ago, Bernalillo Public Schools
BPS Logo
Please join the BHS staff and students for the 8th grade Passport to your Future Transition Night, Thursday, March 2, 2023 from 6 pm to 8 pm. Please contact BHS if you have any questions. #THEDISTRICT #Community #OnceASpartanAlwaysASpartan #SpartanEmpire
almost 2 years ago, Bernalillo Public Schools
8th grade night
In order to better protect our students, visitors, and staff, all visitors will be required to show a valid government-issued identification card. Your identification card will be scanned and verified prior to visiting students, staff, or classrooms. You will be given a temporary badge to wear during your visit that must be visible at all times. Upon your departure, please return the temporary badge to the front office. Thank you for your cooperation and helping to keep our school sites safe. Para proteger mejor a nuestros estudiantes, visitantes y personal, todos los visitantes deberán mostrar una tarjeta de identificación válida emitida por el gobierno. Su tarjeta de identificación será escaneada y verificada antes de visitar a los estudiantes, el personal o las aulas. Se le entregará una credencial temporal para usar durante su visita que debe estar visible en todo momento. A su salida, devuelva el gafete temporal a la oficina principal. Gracias por su cooperación y por ayudar a mantener seguras nuestras escuelas. #THEDISTRICT #community #safetyfirst #safeschools #BPS4kids
almost 2 years ago, Bernalillo Public Schools
BPS Logo
BHS has changed the date for the March Asynchronous Day to Wednesday, March 8, 2023. March 15, 2023 will be a regular school day. This change is for Bernalillo High School only. Please call BHS if you have any questions. ​
almost 2 years ago, Bernalillo Public Schools
Attention BHS Students The course requests portal is open. You are now able to complete your course requests for the 2023-24 school year through the online PowerSchool portal. Please see your counselor for more information. #THEDISTRICT #community #SpartanEmpire
almost 2 years ago, Bernalillo Public Schools
BHS logo
Congratulations to Joseph Gonzales, Gwen Maldonado, Katie Montano, Luningning Angeles, and Prisca Werbelow. They were recognized as BPS Employees of the Month for January! #BPS4kids #THEDISTRICT
almost 2 years ago, Bernalillo Public Schools
Joseph Gonzales
G. Maldonado
K. Montano
L. Angeles
P. Werbelow
Please join the BHS staff and students for the 8th grade Passport to your Future Transition Night, Thursday, March 2, 2023 from 6 pm to 8 pm. Please contact BHS if you have any questions. #THEDISTRICT #Community #OnceASpartanAlwaysASpartan #SpartanEmpire
almost 2 years ago, Bernalillo Public Schools
Passport to Your Future
Bernalillo High School will have an asynchronous day Tuesday, February 21, 2023. #THEDISTRICT #BPS4kids #community
almost 2 years ago, Bernalillo Public Schools
BHS Logo
Buenas tardes familias de BHS. A las 12:40 p. m., el despacho del condado de sandoval recibió una llamada que informaba que había un tiroteo en la cafetería y un hombre armado en el baño. Se ha determinado que esta amenaza es un engaño, y todos los estudiantes y el personal están a salvo. Al recibir la amenaza, BHS entró en un protocolo de confinamiento inmediato y varias agencias de aplicación de la ley respondieron. Por precaución, todas las escuelas de BPS se colocaron en un refugio en el sitio cuando la policía autorizó a BHS todo sin novedad, se determinó que la llamada era, de hecho, un engaño. Este engaño parece ser similar a otras llamadas que ocurren hoy en varios estados del país y dentro del área metropolitana. Como distrito, continuamos tomando en serio todas y cada una de las amenazas a la seguridad de los estudiantes y el personal.
almost 2 years ago, Bernalillo Public Schools
BPS Logo
Good afternoon, families of BHS. At 12:40PM, Sandoval County dispatch received a call stating that there was a shooting in the cafeteria and a gunman in the restroom. This threat has been determined to be hoax, and all students and staff are safe. Upon receiving the threat, BHS went into an immediate lockdown as multiple law enforcement agencies responded. Out of abundance of caution, all BPS schools were placed into a shelter-in-place as law enforcement cleared BHS and determined that the call was in-fact a hoax. This hoax appears to be similar to other calls occurring in a number of states across the country and within the metro area today. As a district, we continue to take any and all threats to the safety of students and staff seriously.
almost 2 years ago, Bernalillo Public Schools
BPS logo
Algodones, Cochiti, and La Escuelita Pre-K is cancelled for today, February 15. All other students will remain on asynchronous learning today. All staff are on a two hour delay.
almost 2 years ago, Bernalillo Public Schools
BPS Logo
THE DISTRICT of Bernalillo Public Schools, grades K-12, will have an asynchronous day Wednesday, February 15, 2023. #THEDISTRICT #BPS4kids #community
almost 2 years ago, Bernalillo Public Schools
BPS logo