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Utahna Belone
Santa Ana Liaison
Bernalillo High School
Gary Black
Special Education Teacher
Bernalillo High School
Brenda Bobinsky
Science Teacher
Bernalillo High School
Mary Jean Brownell
English Teacher
Bernalillo High School
Matthew Bryant
Bernalillo High School
Aaron Budagher
Social Studies Teacher/ Dept. Chair
Bernalillo High School
David Burns
Special Education Teacher
Bernalillo High School
Gabriel Candelaria
Campus Security
Bernalillo High School
Rebecca Casalino
Nurse Practitioner
Bernalillo High School
Sugey Castillo
Attendance Clerk
Bernalillo High School
Cristina Cervantes
Gear Up
Bernalillo High School
Hector Chavez
Bernalillo High School
Lorilei Chavez
Social Studies
Bernalillo High School
Pauline Chavez
Santo Domingo Keres Teacher
Bernalillo High School
Sierra Chavez
San Felipe Liaison
Bernalillo High School
Kat Cook
Student teacher
Bernalillo High School
Chase Crawford
Social Studies
Bernalillo High School
Shannon Day
Special Education Teacher
Bernalillo High School
Albert De La Rosa
Special Education Teacher
Bernalillo High School
Susan Duncan
Clinical social worker
Bernalillo High School